After registering for an account, click on ‘Settings’ if it does not automatically take you there.

Add up to three email addresses to send alerts to. You must enter at least one.

Modify the default alert message to suit your situation. Add contact numbers, instructions, etc…

Select an ‘Alert Date’ and an ‘Alert Time’ that you will be able to ‘Check In’ by.

Select an ‘Alert Interval’. Daily seems reasonable for pet owners.

If you do not push the IMOK button before the ‘Alert Time’, an alert email will be sent to your email list every hour until you push the IMOK button.

If you push the IMOK button before the ‘Alert Date/Time’ no alert will be sent to your email list, and a new ‘Alert Date/Time’ is set according to the ‘Alert Interval’.

If you push the IMNOTOK button an email alert is sent immediately to those in your email list.

Example: If you choose an ‘Alert Date’ of 10 Sept 2021, and an ‘Alert Time’ of 9 am, and an ‘Alert Interval’ of one day; when you push the IMOK button your next ‘Alert Date/Time’ will be set to 9 am the next day.